
Guaraná Extract

ABRAZIL > Guaraná Extract

Guaraná Overview

High Source of Natural Caffeine!

Guaraná, a native plant of the lush Amazon basin, is characterized by its expansive leaves and blossoms. However, it is the seeds nestled within its fruit that steal the spotlight. These seeds are renowned for their potency, containing approximately double the caffeine content of a coffee bean. This natural caffeine boost has made guaraná seeds a popular addition to energy drinks, enhancing both alertness and vitality. Beyond its stimulating properties, guaraná stands as a testament to the Amazon’s rich botanical treasures, offering a natural source of energy that has captivated the world.


Guarana, derived from the seeds of the Amazonian plant, offers a range of invigorating benefits that have made it a celebrated natural supplement. Its high caffeine content provides a sustainable energy boost, enhancing focus, mental clarity, and physical stamina without the jittery side effects often associated with synthetic stimulants. Additionally, guarana is known to boost metabolism, aiding in weight management and promoting fat oxidation. Its natural antioxidants not only combat free radicals but also support overall health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Furthermore, guarana’s stimulating effects can enhance athletic performance, making it a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts. Embracing guarana as part of a balanced lifestyle not only revitalizes the body and mind but also reflects the harmony between traditional wisdom and modern well-being.

Flavor Profile

Guarana, a unique and versatile botanical treasure, offers a distinctive flavor profile that is both bitter and slightly sweet. Its taste is reminiscent of dark chocolate, with earthy, nutty undertones, and a hint of mild herbal bitterness. Despite its bitterness, guarana also carries a touch of natural sweetness, making it palatable and intriguing to the taste buds. When used in beverages or culinary creations, it adds depth and complexity, elevating the overall flavor experience. Guarana’s rich and complex taste makes it a popular choice not just for its stimulating properties, but also for its ability to enhance the flavor profile of a wide variety of products.

Scientific Name

Paullinia cupana

  • Products Packaging:

    • Pack: Spray-dried: 
      Food-grade polyliner 20-25kg/fiber drum


      Use this natural, concentrated source of caffeine as a substitute for all your energy needs.  Blend into beverages such as sports and energy drinks or create energy supplements in the form of nutrition bars and powder-filled capsules. Explore our Recipes page for more ideas, the possibilities are endless!



√ (s) Guaraná 3-5% Natural Caffeine Spray-dried Powder

Guaraná 10% Natural Caffeine Spray-dried Powder

Guaraná 22% Natural Caffeine Spray-dried Powder

Guaraná 10% Synthetic Caffeine Spray-dried Powder

Guaraná 22% Synthetic Caffeine Spray-dried Powder


 Products with inventory in the U.S. warehouse, all other products typically need minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 500kg unless under supply agreement.
(s) Sample is available upon request

Organic Products


Organic Guaraná Dry Extract Caffeine

Organic Guaraná Dry Extract 5% Caffeine

 Products with inventory in the U.S. warehouse, all other products typically need minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 500kg unless under supply agreement.
(s) Sample is available upon request